Wechat Message Management
Message Cryptography:
Message cryptography has been added to the WeChat Official Account Platform so that Official Accounts can authenticate message validity.
Common messages, event messages, and server messages pushed to a developer’s backend systems from WeChat users or from the WeChat Official Accounts System are encrypted. Replies made by a developer’s backend system must be encrypted as well.
Advanced Broadcast Interface :
On the WeChat Official Account Platform, a subscription account is allowed to send 1 broadcast message per day, while a service account is allowed 4 per calendar month. Official Accounts using developer mode can broadcast more flexibly using this API.
Callback Messages
The developer returns a specific XML structure in the response packet (GET) for each POST request. The platform currently supports text, image, rich media, audio, video and music messages.
Customer Services Messages
When a WeChat user sends a message to an Official Account, the WeChat Official Account Admin Platform issues HTTP POST requests with the XML data to the URL provided by the developer. The developer can then POST a JSON packet to the user unlimited times by calling this push message API within a given period, which is currently 48 hours. Use this API to send non-auto reply messages for customer services.