Multiuser Permission Settings
There are Five Roles in the Website
Subscriber (front-end only):
- Subscribers is the entry-level user role. The capabilities of the subscriber role are limited to only one thing, managing their own profile.
Contributor (edit and delete abilities only):
- The contributor has the capability of contributing content to your site by writing posts. That said, the only capabilities the contributor has are creating, editing, and deleting their own unpublished posts. They can’t upload media items, publish posts,
Author (publish, add, edit, delete, upload):
- The author has the capabilities of the contributor and adds on the capability to upload media elements and publish, edit, and delete their own published posts.
Editor (publish, add, edit, delete, upload their and others’ posts and moderate comments):
- The editor has the capabilities of the author and adds on the capabilities to create, edit, and delete pages and private pages, publish, edit, and lead posts from other users, and also moderate comments and manage categories.
Administrator (manage everything):
- Which has full control over the entire site. One important note here is the administrator has the power to add, edit, and delete users and also change their user roles.